Welcome to my website!

Welcome to my website. Sure, the best place to get to know someone is to stalk them constanly on their social medias, it feels more personal to do something like this. All of those fancy websites with lack of customaization really take away from of joys of scrolling on the internet. Enjoy my art, music and more things I may have to offer in these coming days! Enjoy!

Workin' on it!

May 6th, 2023

Well, guess who has todo alot of work on this website! This guy. I am having to do things to create a portfolio for my animation class at my high school. I haven't worked on this thing since awhile ago, so I better get going at it. I'll go code my social medias now.


April 29th, 2023

Oh lordy, not a big fan of coding. You type a single thing wrong and everything goes to CRAP. But, if I keep working on this thing until I die, it's going to look very pretty by the end of it. Somethings I plan to have is an interactable comic, links to my other socials even though I am against it (well except my Newground, Newground is really cool) and many more. I have no clue what many more is, I have no other plans for this but to make alot of stuff.

god fucking damnit.

This computer is rotting, its running slower and it would respond sometimes. I think I am going to buy a new one when get a job, save up for that darn thing. Maybe work at a Cane's or Walmart, Walmart looks really scary though.

★ Socials!!! ★

★ Contacts!!! ★

My Gmail: bombman501@gmail.com
My phone number: No.
My address: Nah.
Jeff: Jeff.
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